
As Editor in Chief of the newspaper when I was in high school, I started off my senior year failing the class because I didn’t turn my “about me” section in until nearly a week after it was due. It was two paragraphs!!! It’s safe to say I hate describing myself, which is ironic for someone who spends 87% of her time talking about herself. But I suppose I’ll give it one more shot.

I’m 20, which grosses me out as much as it excites me. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life, but I know I’m not alone and you probably don’t either. That’s part of the reason why I decided to make this blog. I feel like I have a whole lot of ideas and thoughts and dreams crammed inside of my head and while I used to write often as an outlet, I’ve gotten distracted and lazy over the years. Knocking the “-teen” off my age maybe woke me up a bit. I figure there’s no use dreaming if I’m not putting in the work.

I wanna use this blog as an opportunity to improve my writing, expand my thoughts, showcase my work, share my journey and get to know/spotlight other creatives that inspire me along the way. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy putting it all together.

about me

As Editor in Chief of the newspaper when I was in high school, I started off my senior year failing the class because I didn’t turn my “about me” section in until nearly a week after it was due. It was two paragraphs!!! It’s safe to say I hate describing myself, which is ironic for someone who spends 87% of her time talking about herself. But I suppose I’ll give it one more shot.

My name is Ashlyn. I’m 20, which grosses me out as much as it excites me. I spend most of my time hanging out with my friends and boyfriend (+ cats), daydreaming, writing and reading, overthinking, and practicing tarot. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life, but I know I’m not alone and you probably don’t either. That’s part of the reason why I decided to make this blog. I feel like I have a whole lot of ideas and thoughts and dreams crammed inside of my head and while I used to write often as an outlet, I’ve gotten distracted and lazy over the years. Knocking the “-teen” off my age maybe woke me up a bit. I figure there’s no use dreaming if I’m not putting in the work.

I wonder if people talk to themselves the way that I do in my head. I wonder if they work to piece their thoughts together into tangible lines of text the way that I do. If I can get the ideas and opinions and judgments out of my mind and into actual sentences on paper, I can grab hold of them, pick them apart and examine them, learn from them, work away from thinking others like them.

I wanna use this blog as an opportunity to improve my writing, expand my thoughts, showcase my work, share my journey, get to know/spotlight other creatives that inspire me along the way, and most importantly, learn more about myself... I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy putting it all together, and maybe even learn a little something, too.

photo by Corey Bao

photo by Corey Bao